Testing 232-ATSC series UDP Control
In addition to IP Telnet control, the 232-ATSC 4K, 232-ATSC 4,
232-ATSC+1, ATSC-SDI and ATSC-SDI 4 HDTV tuners offer bi-directional UDP
control. Two-way UDP operation was added to both tuners with S37
firmware 2.08 (but should be updated to V 2.16 or higher). If your
firmware is older, go our online Support page and download the 232- ATSC 4 series Firmware Support Pack or Legacy Product Downloads for the legacy tuners.
The same commands used for RS-232 and Telnet can be sent over via
UDP to the tuner’s IP port 31931 (fixed) with status feedback on port
31932. Port 31932 is disabled by default, send “>UO” command (UF
turns UDP status feedback off), or set with front-panel menu.
- UDP status will always be sent when the action was triggered by a UDP command
- If the command was sent via RS-232 or Telnet, not all UDP status
strings will be sent. For example, sending >ID or >IP will only
provide status if the request was sent via UDP.
- With S37 firmware V2.16 and above, UPD Reply will not turn off if DC power is lost.
Here’s how to set up and test UDP control:
Go to simplecomtools.com and download the UDP Test Tool, a free app.

- In the Remote section, enter the IP address of the tuner and port 31931. Click the Carriage Return option.
- Enter the command >EO and click Send. This enables UDP status feedback from the tuner. A >UF command turns of UDP status messages.
- In the Host section, enter UDP port 31932 and click Bind. This links UDP status to your PC.
- Now you can send UDP commands to the tuner and monitor status feedback.
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